- HOW TO TIE A TIE (book)
"How to tie a tie" is a book dedicated to my father's memory who died on March 19, 2006. It was reading a paragraph from Paul Auster's book "The Invention of Solitude" that I felt the urge and need to make a series of self-portraits by wearing their ties that I kept in the studio closet for four years. Seven years later,the book sees the light thanks to the Jaime Piera’s patronage. Is the testimony of that ceremony with the intention of sharing a transforming and intimate experience of universal feelings.
"How to tie a tie" speaks, softly, of the death of the father and of all our dead, of mourning, of the will to understand and therefore of the mystery, of the apparent and the intangible, of to make and undo knots. Of patience and indomitable drive, of introspection and the importance of attention, of the glow and the dark, of feelings, of silence, of love and of timelessness ... and of staying alive.